Monday, 31 October 2011

Enviroment Development

 This is a draft image of where my character would live. I cosidered different types of light sources they might have under ground i.e glow worms,torches and candles. I went for a wooden torch on every other pillar and glow worms in the flooring like electric wires in a spacecraft. My character would have a bag that would have multiple things in it like extra torches and spades. also all of my characters race would have a wooden mole claw amulet that has metal claws.

A more detailed picture of my characters environment.
This only shows 3 floors but the cave is huge and if the population was to rise could have more floors which would look similar to floor 1 and 2
The construction of a stall and a box. The flooring is shown top right.
Illustration of completed environment.

Final environment image.

Lego gears of war
From doing stop-motion animation myself, I know how long it takes to make them. The quality of this animation very high. The animation is very smooth thoughtout and the sound effects match up perfectly.
I especially like the way the explosions are done.


An archetype being a prototype or model from which something is based. The main archetypes are hero, shadow, mentor, trickster, shapeshifter, herald, guardian.There are loads more to chose from. For my character i picked a lone hero. A lone hero is a hero that mainly goes around by himself to get to a goal sometimes getting team mates to help gain their goal or other team mates goal. Another lone hero would be Indiana Jones.

Concept artists

Phil Wohr has worked on many different games like Borderlands and Halo Wars. I like the cartoony yet realistic feel he has with most of his work, which I also feel is similar to my drawing style. From his blog I have found many other concept artists like Daniel Chavez.

From seeing some of Daniel Chavez's still life work, I have started to put alot more effort into making my characters look more realistic, by adding muscle contours instead of having them looking robotic.

Every  so often i'll trawl through the mountains of concept art that is posted on "Conceptartworld" to find inspiration or to help out when drawing big enviroments.  

Christain Ronquillo is a concept artist,illustrator and storyboard artist that has produced work for Disney,Warner Brothers,Lucas Arts and much more. The storyboards helped me out the most on this site but the few characters that where there where great help aswell.

Christian Lorenz Scheurer is a concept artist that has worked on a range of projects like The Matrix,,Titanic and The Golden Compass. He has a large range of work on his website and i like the huge environments dotted around his site because of the such high detail in the background and on close up objects.

Phil Wohr:
Daniel Chavez :
Christian Ronquillo :
Christian lorenz scheurer :

Character development 1

After looking at a lot of furs these are the ones I thought would suit my character better.
But after a closer look at characters which semi-match my cartoony draft drawing, I noticed that they didn't show fur as a texture and used shading to indicate differences in 'skin' tone.

My character would have human hands and have the mole claws on his forearms like some people are born with tails and extra fingers 

Finished character

Character development

After thinking about a character, I thought about where these kind of buildings would be nowadays. Which made me think of  "Time Team" digging up this characters buildings and artifacts . From that somehow I was thinking about what lives in the ground or something that would be underground like a stream. I only came up with moles,worms and bats in underground caves.

I tried to get pictures of caves with high walls and large flooring because I had the idea of a city built into the cave wall with Roman pillars separating the houses. The nicer/ less damaged of the pillars would be at the bottom of the cave and the most damaged would be near the top like some kind of the poorer of the race would have the damaged pillars and the nicer ones for the richer.

after deciding to pick moles over bats and worms i got a few pictures of them to work out how i could make them into a character

a draft drawing of my character with some clothing

Character Ideas

I was set the task to make a character and a scene it would live in or where it would fit. My first idea was some kind of zombie CSI or Police officer which would have been in London during the London riots earlier this year. My second idea was a pirate searching for his father's ship.
After going to the Leeds Museum and the Royal Armouries I completely changed my mind.

 From the pictures above, I was thinking of someone/something that would live when the Romans were alive or within some of their buildings when they were gone.

 They would use a club-like weapon to defend themselves, a bit like a caveman.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Post-Modernism Notes

From the Modernism Lecture and reading abit more about it i still didn't get it but after this lecture i started to understand it abit more. In the seminar  I found out that the whole pantomime experience is called breaking the forth wall. And that overall post-modernism broke everything that modernism had made by adding colour and other artist aspects to buildings and statues. Modernism making building with raw materials and having straight edges because it was a building to work not to look pretty.

Modernism Notes