Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Lionhead working on RPG for next-gen Xbox

Lionhead working on RPG for next-gen Xbox 

is this game going to be fable4? i enjoyed fable 2 & 3 previously and from "MMO-like multiplayer experience that will affect the outcome of the player experience, and many other attributes surrounding their profile (such as the environment and the outcome of certain actions)" it seems like its going to be fable 4 because the 2 & 3 both have 2 player co-op and what choices in the main quests change what happens near the end.

Monday, 21 May 2012

007 Legends


I don't usually  watch trailers that involve films to games because from past films to games they have been really bad and had nothing to do with the film at all but this one seems one of the best after golden eye of course. The grahpics seem quiet realistic and the gameplay looks smooth a game i might keep my eye on in the future if more trailers show this quality of game play.

left for dead & payday heist crossover revealed


The deep story of the left for dead games and the intense game play of payday heist a game that combines the would possibly be one of the best multiplayer games out. but seeing the big attraction to military shooters the game might get swept under the carpet by other releases from the Call of duty franchise

Playstation All stars


though when this game was confirmed I was thinking that it was going to be a really bad copy of Super Smash bros. But not more has been confirmed for it seems to be taking good parts from Super Smash bros and making it into a better game with a deeper story in the campaign and more of a backstory for each character being there

Brian Fargo Shares RPG Storytelling Techniques

Brian Fargo Shares RPG Storytelling Techniques

i think the tips and techniques in this article could be used for any game or film that has a narrative. also this article showed me how I could possibly get a player of a game ive made to connect to characters within it and feel emotions about what happens within the game.

LEGO Game Boy Transformer!

LEGO Game Boy Transformer!

There has been quiet a few things about lego over the past couple of months and here another one I found which it quiet cool. This transformer transforms into the old game boy "brick" which I think looks good showing the younger generation something from earlier history of gaming with something newer like transformers.


After this little lecture I have been looking at copyright in a different light. It showed me how strict the copyright laws are over certain pieces of information. And I also see why some people have been sent over to american over copyright claims.Though I believe that if a crime involving copyright was committed within the UK or any country theirs were any court case should be and use the laws of that country not just sending people to other countries where the laws are stricter.

Andy Peers PPP

In this lecture you got a list of questions which the speaker Andy Peers would ask during the lecture then answers would be shouted out. From this lecture apart from getting moved by his emotional story I got that if you stick at it something eventually it would profit you and help you out later on in life. 

LEGO Pokemon customs

 LEGO Pokemon

Some of them look slightly weird but you can tell what pokemon they are meant to be and if they were made earlier when pokemon was more popular i think these would go flying off the shelves.

Gearbox honor late Borderlands fan

Gearbox and Claptrap honor late Borderlands fan with eulogy, NPC in sequel 

i think that its great that such a big company could take a story of a fan and add a character to the game for the fan if only more companies could show some interest in their community other than trying to get money out of it

Gerard Michel

G�rard Michel

I found this concept artist after the game level module but I think his work is very simple but shows multiple angles of the builds in his work.

The year role-playing games broke

The year role-playing games broke

I dont think RPG's are broke just not many are being made compared to what they use to with current obsession with fps. Mass effect 3 being one of the latest RPG's to be released only got hyped up because it was the last segment in the Shepard story and it got some bad press because people thought the ending was rubbish. A RPG that i think is broken or not what it seemed to be was Dragon Age 2 I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins and got all but one of the add-ons. All the characters had a deep backstory and all interacted differently to each other in the party and to your decisions which is why i liked it so much. but when Dragon Age 2 came out i thought it was going to be similar to what DAO was but I think the whole revamp of the fighting system  and the lack of depth to characters ruined the game. The fighting system in DAO wasn't prefect but it was good enough the big changes to DA2 like the rogue could just jump across the battle field to stab an enemy but I think this change was added because of Mass Effect 2. The changes from Mass effect 1 to Mass effect 2 seemed to work because you could kinda work out that the human race could have advanced in their abilitys within the years between the too games.The idea of importing your choices from DAO to DA2 seemed to be an alright idea because it worked very well with Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2. But in DA2 the choices you made seemed to make very little to no different to the game at all. Characters they brought from DAO:awakening seemed not to be the same even though both games are suppose to overlap each other a little in the timeline of the games. I just hope that if/when DA3 is make it better than 2 was.

What Makes a Game?

What Makes a Game?

I think that a well written story & puzzles makes a decent game memorable. The whole argument of story vs graphics shouldn't be a contest the story should beat graphics hands down the old zelda games still get played to day because of the story. games that are mostly made for their graphics seem to have really bad storys because the developer puts all their time and effort into the graphics which lowers everything else.

Mojang Working On Official Minecraft Lego

Mojang Working On Official Minecraft Lego

Wooo minecraft lego. I always thought that minecraft was just a digital version of lego but now they are making minecraft lego i dont see the point of it apart from getting notch more money but with the release of minecraft on the xbox im sure he will be rolling in it even more.

Why don't we finish games?

Why don't we finish games?

after reading this article i tried to work out why i didn't finish some games. Some of the games i play like sonic i dont finish them because i play it like it was on the mega drive when i want to stop i just turn it off and not use the new addition of saving which i feel spoils the feel of the older games. I dont finish some games because im more drawn to a multiplayer game than a single player game sometimes. and other games i dont finish because i lose general or the game seems to be against me to much for me to continue playing it.

Yellow Sticky Notes

Yellow Sticky Notes

Found this animation ages ago but i started watching it again after i started to do my storyboards on post-it notes. I think that they animations is nicely done and the music adds a lot of emotion to it.

industry in leeds

This lecture told us about how many companies that are within leeds that are to do with our course. it was quiet a surprise to see all these because you dont see much about anything to do with it in the main stream media. At the end of this course i would like to contact some of these companies to get a job

BAF Hand circus

hand circus are the creators of rolando and rolando 2 i personally cant say a lot about these games because i havent played them but from what he showed it looked like a decent puzzle platformer. The main thing i got from this is the last few things they said were important when creating a game. 
  • Draw inspiration from everywhere 
  • stick with it 
  • use time well
  • dont try and do something a bigger company is doing

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

BAF Six to start

From this speaker i got that bad story games can sell but thats mainly because of the multiplayer aspect to the game. games that let the play make their own story or choose between multiple different choices are better games and draw players into them making them feel more connected to the game. some games with bad stories could be that way because lack of funding.

BAF faceware

Faceware is a piece of software that you can input a 3d character then it will separate the face into brows eyes and mouth. You can then move and change all objects within the groups to do facial expressions. I think I will get this software eventually when im more confident making characters within maya and can animate to a better standard where this software would be useful.

Art of the Instakill

Art of the Instakill

this video shows some well known video game one hit kill moves. the way some of the moves are shown in the video are exactly  the same as in the game even with the added ragg doll on some of them.


This lecture opened my eyes to the proper way of doing evaluations and what context to talk in when doing them. Before this lecture i just said what i did in the modules but after this i have started to talk about what happened within each part of the module what went well and what went not so well.

State of health

State of health

I think that health regeneration spoils some first person shooters because its always fun running around looking for that one and only health pack near you while getting chased by half of the enemy team. Games are a lot harder you need to think about when to use health packs when there is very little amount of heal packs in the game/level to use in the first place. games like fear and condemned use the lack of health packs to add more danger and if there is health packs they are in dark areas where monsters/enemies can jump out at you.

I believe that games like halo and mass effect sci-fi based games should have health regeneration over games like call of duty. where you can some what believe that the human race has developed regeneration items. In battlefield 3 health regeneration is very slow unless you are near a medics health pack which i think is a good way to do health regeneration within military shooters. but its getting someone to play the medic which is a bit of a downfall in this game because most people prefer to play the classes with more fire power.

RuneScape developer wins suit against 'bot' maker

RuneScape developer wins suit against 'bot' maker

Bots within runescape ruined the games economy and the game overall. In 2004 the wildness(Pvp area) got removed to "stop the bots" and lurers. Other aspects of the game got changed to try add more pvp places for those who wanted them. Eventually they re-added the wildness to the game after doing many updates to stop the bots. with the court case win they game might go back to what it use to be rather than just bots roaming around getting all resources.

Socail networking lecture

This lecture showed me all the different social networks that im currently active on that could be used to get in touch with game developer and film directors.That down the line could get me a job within a big company. But before i start getting active on these sites i would do some more research to find out which the companies that are games i enjoy are on and try to talk to them

Minecraft prompts change in XBLA update process

Minecraft prompts change in XBLA update process

With minecraft going onto xbox it might change how arcade games on xbox are updated. Currently if theres an update for a game you have to pay for it or it slowly gets added with small bug updates. If they change the way games get updated it should increase the sales within the market place because some people might not buy games because they aren't getting updated when they could get the game on a different platform.

The Art of Sean Andrew Murray

The Art of Sean Andrew Murray

The concept art style of sean andrew murray is similar to my drawing style. Bold dark edges on everything and when he does some environments they have a gloomy and mechanical feel to them.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Ideas from games

 I got the idea of strange mutated things within the environment from Alice :return to madness. and I like the stylistic gore of madworld which i will try to add into my game.

Castle and ruins

I created the castle and the ruins within Minecraft to try and work out what kind of size they would be related to the character.

Castles owner

I drew the owner of the castle to try and see how i could make the castle reflect him and his personality.
The character is small in height and to counter this he has a big personality. He creates huge castles everywhere and land around his castle have jokey items within like cutouts of monsters and wild life. He puts these cuts-outs up to try and it make the land look normal but most of the animals have ran away and the monsters either got killed protecting their land or are being used as slaves.

Justin Gerard

I like how in most of his concept art there isn’t much colour but shows so much detail within each picture. It always amazes me how you can get show so much detail in a picture with just line art.

Moral Kombat

We watched a documentary called Moral Kombat which was about violence within video games. The documentaries highlighted many games that were “violent” when they were made e.g. Doom and GTA.  When these violent video games were released there were some murders which were said only happened because of the violent games. So eventually after some protesting and court cases age rating system was made so violent games wouldn’t get into young children’s hands. Some of the people that were being interviewed were blaming the game stores for selling the games to children when there is a possibility that the child’s parent had bought them it.

I believe that the documentary were one sided blaming everything on video games and the documentary only showed one nice thing  that video games have done. This was stopping someone from committing suicide. I’m sure there are multiple more similar cases to that one they just didn’t want to show any to make video games look more evil to people on the fence about video games. I don’t think that video games can make murders. I think that it’s something built into the person that can’t make them depict what is a game and what is real life or there’s something in there personal life which is pushing them into being that character from the game they are playing which could possibility be a violent game. But a game cannot be the sole reason for someone going crazy.
From the Moral Kombat documentary most of the people that were hitting out at video games seem to be of an older generation were there wasn’t all this technology. Just blaming everything new and what they didn’t have for violence, when most of them would have done some play fighting and caused injuries to one another when they were just “playing”. Isn’t play fighting just as bad as these “violent” video games. Doubt anyone has ended up bleeding from playing some tekken.
I also believe video games can teach child things. The professor layton games have puzzles which could possibly help with English maths and just overall problem solving skills. I aren’t saying that all games help children because there are some dodgy games out there but to banish all video games as evil spawns of Satan is a bit extreme.

Red dead redemption

Red dead redemption has huge baron environments covered with multiple different creatures and flowers to collect. On one side of the map there is a rocky area which has nice textures. For my game I would like to make a similar area but hills instead of gorges and rocks and have a ruff damaged path going through and up them.


I have played rift for a couple of months there are huge environments and different regions within the game. Which are all different e.g. a mountain area and jungle area. The textures within the game are smooth and clean. You can only notice slight repetition if you climb high up in the rockier places.

Cuba Lee

Cuba has drawn multiple environments that have a similar rocky feel to them which the environment. I was thinking that I could make my environment have multiple large rocks or hills.

Trudi Castle


The first few images show the large environments. The forest pictures are the ones that caught my eye the most because of the forest I want the player to walk out of. These pictures have made me think if I should have monsters within the forest or not.

Emrah Elmasli

I was searching for some environmental pictures and came across Emrah Elmasli’s concept art & environmental art for fable 3 which he created the main environmental concepts.

Ken wood

While searching for concept art for Alice: madness returns. I came across Ken Wong that worked on Alice but also has lots of environments and other characters that are cartoony and broken or damaged.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Drawing the Head and Hands - Andrew Loomis

Drawing the Head and Hands, Andrew Loomis

I have set myself a kind of goal to draw realistic looking humans compared to my normal cartoony looking drawing style. To start of i decided to look at how to draw faces and hands my main weakness when it comes to drawing characters anyway. I found this blog post which shows the positioning of noses and eyes and how to show muscles in the hand.

Halo rifle made out of LEGOs

Halo rifle made out of LEGOs

I was looking for some pictures of halo environments and came across this. A Halo : Reach sniper rifle made fully out of lego which looks exactly like the in-game weapon.


Peripherals: Many tentacles pimpin' on the keys

When the wii controller and nun-chuck were first released it in 2006. Most people thought that the controller and peripheral were strange wouldn't work properly. In this article it shows and talks about controllers and peripherals from the past like a gamecube controller that has a full qwerty keyboard in the middle of it.