Thursday, 23 May 2013

Boat (interior)

the image on the left is of the boat it has two engines and multiple storage boxes that could be used to make a maze within the first level of the boat. the image on the right shows the basic idea of the room and in the bottom right shows what i want to have within it. i there to be multiple beams which the player would have to jump over or dive under to get the staircase.

 the image on the left shows the 2nd level of the boat and the baisc layout of it. this level has multiple cabins which would have beds and a table. the other image shows the same level but more maze like to make it harder for the player to get the staircase. also here is where i was thinking alot of jump scares could be added to add some kind of atmosphere.
this is the top deck, where the player will eventually get to and fade out to black. there will be multiple computers and buttons to interact with and see how the boat was sunk.

 this is what the character would like if you could see yourself but i was wanting to have it in first person so the player wouldnt actually be seeing him/herself

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