Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Crit Feedback

During the interm crit session we got split off into small groups than normal which was a nice change and made it so that everyone could comment on each others instead of being in a large group and being nervous about commenting.

During my presentation I showed my mood boards which I created of battleships, sunken ships and blueprints of some ships to help me describe and show the general idea for my project, with me adding extra information about the story, sound, and how it could be trans-media. The feedback I got back was good with most of the people in my group wanting to see a sunken ship level which doesn’t get done by mainstream game companies normally they seem to just opt for a underwater level that is very tedious. The main concerns that were brought up in the feedback was the timeframe I have to create everything, how to effectively show that the ship has sunk (how the water/gravity will effect items) and what kind of influence would the sound/interactive components add to the general mood of the level.

 I think if I can set dates for when to get things done a calendar the timeframe shouldn’t be that big of a problem. The main aspects of the project that will take up the most amount of time will be the texturing and doing things inside unity.

Showing gravity/water effects should be easy to do using particles and some other effects within unity. I could also look into ways that professional game developers show water and the tips and tricks they use to make it look realistic.

The background/ambiance sounds would just be of water swirling with noises of bubbles every so often or with a swishing noise of something floating past the player. Other sounds that would be used will be of footsteps, which could be edited to  more of a moon bouncing kind of motion instead of constant walking.

The interactive components will be mostly activated when the player walks through a doorway or presses a button. The ship being sunk for a couple of months/years there is still some power within it so sirens and alarms can still be activated- I’ll just have to dull the sound down a bit to show that its underwater.

I also think that I need to develop more on my trans-media idea or how it goes from game to film because I think that either I can descript it good enough or that it doesn’t have enough to it yet, for it to make sense to other people.

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